About Us
As christians we seek to work together to glorify God and to make the Lord Jesus known in the community here in Ashford. We want to be open and welcoming to all in our community. We want to share God's powerful love and to help with the needs that we see around us.
We believe that Jesus' death and resurrection was the most pivotal event in the history of humanity and forms the basis of God's good news (gospel) to the world. As a church we take the Bible seriously and look to learn together in discovering that faith in Jesus provides the answers to the most important questions of life.
As a church we continue to pray for each other in God's family here at Ashford Baptist, and for our wider community.
If you wish to speak to someone at the church please use the contact form available on the website or leave a message on the church phone.

Our vision is the know Jesus and to make Him known. In doing this we follow God's word as written in the bible and we seek to be closer to God by talking to Him in prayer.
We believe that every person in our church is valuable and is created in the image of God. We all have an important part to play so we encourage everyone to join in, to discover their strengths in God and to use those for the benefit of us all.

the story of aBc
The origins
Ashford Baptist Church began as a mission project from an Acton Baptist Church in 1935.
They were a small group but soon settled into the local community, sharing their faith where they could and working hard in the local area.
Independence begins
ABC (as we often call ourselves) became a fully independent Baptist church in 1965 and celebrated this with a special service.
We held our first wedding in 1967.
In 1978 we saw a milestone for our church in the appointment of the first full time pastor, Mr Terry Jones.
Moving around Ashford
Through much of our church history we have been looking to find a building for the growing activities of the church. In 1991 ABC decided to move out of it’s Warwick road church building to have services at Clarendon school as numbers had grown to the point that we couldn’t fit into it any longer.
Our new building was completed
In June 2010 we stepped out in faith to purchase a disused warehouse site and begin the process of building a new church close to the High street.
This build was completed in 2016 and we moved in to begin a new chapter in the life of ABC.
We want to welcome you to our church and hope you enjoy your
time here.
My name is DANNY
Danny has been the Pastor at ABC since February 2022. Alongside this role, he works full-time in the sports world and is married with three daughters. He has had a lifelong passion for anything to do with the Bible although he confesses he only got serious about faith in 2006 after a dramatic encounter with God. He loves being active and spends any spare time participating in (or watching) sports and exercise.

Our leadership team help oversee the decisions that direct the life of the church, they are elected every few years so there are always opportunities to get involved and help shape our future. Currently our leaders are: